Air quality just got cleaner …

Interior live plants are key to enhancing the environment, not only through being pleasant to look at. Extensive studies from scientists have found that live plants actually enhance the air quality in the atmosphere and reduce pollutants that may be lurking around.

Furnishings, upholstery, synthetic building materials and cleaning products in hotels and offices can emit a variety of toxic compounds which cause indoor air pollution, which has been ranked in the top 5 environmental risks to public health.

Interior Plants are an easy and cost effective way to combat the presence of these pollutants ensuring that your guests don’t breath in pollutants, harmful to their health and ability to enjoy their stay at your venue.

Interior Plants are notorious for absorbing carbon dioxide which is then processed to oxygen through photosynthesis. Through studying the air-purification capacities of indoor plants, NASA Scientists have found that plants absorb many other gases in addition to carbon dioxide. Microorganisms that live in the soil of these plants then neutralise the other pollutants therefore purifying the air. Most leafy plants purify the air but some of the most useful at removing pollutants are Sansevieria, Boston Ferns, Areca Palms, Spaths & Green Aloe Vera.


Speak to Leaflike to come up  with a cost effective planting solution to upgrade the quality of air in your venue….